Friday, September 19, 2008


( you should read "Coloring Pages For School" before reading this post) I am so happy that my teacher only asked for the 1 packet "The First Ten: The Bill of rights". I feel so lucky too! I am on the 3,4, or the 5 page in the coloring packet "Constitution Day". There are 2 pages for questions I finished those and I have about 8,7, or 6 pages left.
- Kaitlyn

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cloroing pages for school

On Monday the 15 of September 2008 my teacher Ms. C. gave my class a coloring book with 11 pages in it. She also gave us one on Wednesday the 17 and they are both due on FRIDAY the 19. I finished coloring the first one but not the second. I finished the questions and the cover of the . "Constitution Day packet". The other packet that came on Mon day was called " The First Ten: The Bill Of Rights.'' I can`t believe my teacher gives my class such hard work!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kaitlyn`s First Post

Hi, my name is Kaitlyn and my favorite color is purple. I moved right before the school year started. I like to play sports, my favorite one is softball. I have lots of friends. I like to play and hang out with my friends. I am 10 years old going to be 11 next year. I live in the U.S.A. I have 1 sister and 3 brothers. My favorite food is Funeral Potatoes.

Connor's First Post

Hi! My name is Connor. i love to play baseball. I'm 8 years old. I just moved and i love to play video games. my favorite movie is star wars and my favorite video game is super mario galaxy, lego starwars, and madden 09. I am excited to start writing on my blog.